Mathis F.

Mathis F.

Lead Developer specialized in Web apps and DevOps

🇬🇧 🇫🇷


Hello, I'm Mathis 👋 I'm a lead developer specialized in Web app development and DevOps practices, from France. I am passionate about new technologies, music, movies and books about nature. I really like making web applications or web sites because I feel like I can express myself better on the web. I like learning new things, especially from people who know it well.

I believe in creating solutions that are simple, performant, and standard-compliant.

If you want to know more about me, feel free to contact me at [email protected] or check the contact section of this website.


Employment history

I'm a software engineer specialized in web development in permanent contract since 2021. In 2022, I became a DevOps engineer in addition to my current role (via internal training and self-study). Finally, in 2023, I was promoted to Lead Software Developer.

Here is the fully detailed timeline:

2023 - now
Lead Software Developer / DevOps Engineer

Permanent contract:
  • Carrying out similar duties as a developer, but with additional responsibilities and new assignments
  • Made architecture decisions for multiple B2B and B2C web applications and was responsible for leading their development with a team of up to 5 people
  • Trained colleagues and taught them our best practices in web application development
  • Performed cost and time estimates for web development projects
  • Presented the concept of GitOps to the company and also published an article about it (in french)
  • Contributed to the internal web application starter kit (a generic, reusable application to kickstart clients projects)
  • Implemented a Go JSON translator, that uses GPT4o
  • Enhanced self-hosted GitLab architecture :
    • Added a dedicated GitLab-runner instance with Docker executor
    • Migrated jobs and pipelines to use Docker executor instead of the unsafe shell executor
    • Integrated an S3 cache server to cache specific tasks in jobs (e.g. dependencies fetching, package manager cache)
  • Delivered multiple Docker training sessions to over twenty colleagues and clients, who now utilize Docker in production and are migrating their infrastructure
  • Implemented a code search server based on Hound, enabling multi-project Git searches (equivalent to GitLab's premium feature)
  • Deployed iOS and Android apps using TestFlight and Google Play Console
  • Integrated Ansible into client projects and GitLab jobs/pipelines to maintain infrastructure as code, streamline deployment processes, and facilitate installation on new servers

Languages: PHP, TypeScript, SQL (Mostly PostgreSQL, but also MySQL and SQL Server), Yaml (Gitlab CI/CD, Ansible), POSIX Shell, Golang

Frameworks: Symfony 3 to 7, Angular 5 to 18, Angular Material MDC, Ansible, API Platform 2 to 3

  • Finance: Debt recovery management
  • Services: Meeting recording and note taking app
  • Energy: CEE management, solar panels
  • Industry: Garages, doors, car sales, specific car part sales
  • Agriculture: Cow milk analysis, Cow sensors
2019 – 2023
Software developer / DevOps Engineer

As an intern for 5 months, as an apprentice for 1 year and then in a 2 years permanent contract:
  • Developed web applications using Symfony 3-6, API Platform 2-3, and Angular 5-15
  • Worked with multiple developers, typically in small teams of up to 5 people
  • Maintained and upgraded the company's GitLab server and runner
  • Wrote specifications for new functionalities
  • Upgraded web applications to the latest versions of Symfony/Angular
  • Set up a custom Gitlab Runner (using Docker Executor)
  • Set up Docker and GitLab CI pipelines on web applications (lint, deploy)
  • Set up Mock-server for company-wide API mocking (applying simple GitOps principles)
  • Worked on small proofs of concepts (JadX decompilation, PostGIS + Leaflet map)
  • Trained colleagues in web application development
  • Wrote and automated end-to-end tests using Cypress
  • Wrote tests using PHPUnit

Languages: PHP, Javascript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Shell

Frameworks: Symfony 2 to 5, Angular 5 to 15, Angular Material, API Platform 2 to 3

  • Services: Meeting recording and note taking app
  • Energy: CEE management, solar panels
  • Industry: Car sales, software developers time management and planning
  • Agriculture: Cow milk analysis
2017 – 2019
Habitat 44
Full-stack web developer

As an intern for 8 months and 8 months part-time:
  • Worked on a web application from scratch, using Angular 6 (as front-end) and Symfony 3 (as a RESTful API)
  • Deployed the application on production servers
  • Installed and configured Gitlab (with Active Directory and SMTP)
  • Joined a team of 4 developers
  • Assisted in the implementation of Scrum

Languages: TypeScript, Javascript, PHP, HTML, CSS, Shell

Frameworks: Symfony 3, Angular 2-6

  • Social housing


MIAGE Master's degree with honors with honors,
Faculté des Sciences et des Techniques, Nantes (France)
MIAGE Licence degree,
Faculté des Sciences et des Techniques, Nantes (France)
DUT in computer science,
IUT de Nantes, Nantes (France)
Baccalauréat in Electronics with honors with honors,
Lycée Jean De Lattre De Tassigny, La Roche Sur Yon (France)


IT Skills

  • TypeScript
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • POSIX Shell
  • Elixir
  • Golang
  • Java
  • Python
Markup languages
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • XML
  • LaTeX
  • PostgreSQL (and PostGIS extension)
  • MySQL/MariaDB
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Informix
  • Angular
  • Symfony
  • API Platform
  • Angular Material
  • PrimeNG
  • NextJS
  • Cypress
  • Elixir Phoenix
  • Django
  • Svelte
  • Linux (debian-based, fedora, arch)
  • macOS
  • Windows
  • Azure (VM, Blob storage, CDN, AD B2C, Entra ID)
  • Cloudflare (DNS, Proxy, D2 Storage)
  • Vercel (static web sites with CD)
  • Supabase (Auth, blob storage)
  • Google AppEngine (Appengine, Bigtable)
  • Firebase (Realtime DB)
  • Heroku (Web apps)
  • VS Code
  • Neovim
  • Jetbrain's IDEs
  • DBeaver
  • GitLab
  • Android Studio
  • XCode
  • Eclipse
  • Office Suite
  • git
  • docker
  • docker compose plugin
  • Ansible
  • wsl2
  • Systemd
  • Make
  • plantuml
  • mermaid
  • PHPUnit
  • JMeter
  • JadX
  • GDB
  • Algorithms
  • Networking
  • Assembly
  • UI/UX Design
  • Usability and accessibility
  • Computer architecture
  • Agile
  • Scrum
  • V model
  • Rapid Application Development (RAD)

General skills

  • French (mother tongue)
  • English (advanced level)
  • UML
  • Design patterns (most used: DI, MVC, Factory, Decorator,
    Repository, Adapter, Delegation, Singleton)
  • Accounting
  • Enterprise management and organization


  • AZ-204 Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate (2022)

Personal projects

Elixir and Phoenix Framework Web app
Angular and Symfony Web app
Your online personal recipe book
Go standard web app
My personal website 🤗

Personal interests

Psychedelic rock, classic rock, alt rock, electronica, 90's hip-hop/rap, techno, Blade's remixes 🩸

David Lynch, Quentin Dupieux, Wes Anderson, Sergio Leone, A24 produced movies 👻

Jack London

Video games
Valve games, Metroid, Castlevania, Shovel Knight, The Binding of Isaac, Earthbound/Mother 3

Self-hosting my personal projects, docker, HomeAssistant, Immich, Grafana/Prometheus, NAS, borg
